Pata Technologies website development and product marketing

Process and Development Philosophy

Target Websites Many build web pages, however Pata Technologies designs and builds web sites that are targeted to the intended audience. We have the ability to quickly understand the product or service, its prospects and competitors. Only then is a site built targeting likely customers not the entire World Wide Web. Pages are designed to include content and display per the following tenets:
  • Content should reflect the culture and business of the owner.
  • Navigation within the site should be direct, predictable and simply structured
  • Viewers want simple presentations and navigation so they may quickly obtain information and move on.
  • Content to provide unique information for the viewer.
  • Animation and other forms of pizzazz are relegated to product/process demonstration as opposed to entertaining viewers
  • Design pages for the viewer not the programmer
  • Viewers are usually in a hurry, so limit the size of the page content
  • Use color sparingly to highlight areas and bring focus.
  • True, some sites are for entertainment but yours is probably to impart information for the viewer to purchase your product or service.
  • Every site is unique; one size never fits all.
  • Web effectiveness requires tight integration of structure and presentation.

Your next step

Learn more about Pata Technologies and how to launch or improve your website by clicking here.

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